Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well, we had a last minute showing on Tuesday....

Thank goodness the boys went back to school that day, however, then Hunka Chunka and myself had a very dirty, untidy home to get ready...Note the Christmas decorations were still partially up or ready to be put away, the upstairs smelled and looked like teenage boy heaven (!), every room in the house had been used over the holidays and needed attention....what a disaster! 
But somehow, we managed to pull it together for the 4:30 showing....crazy....
A little before pic of the living room, hallway, dining area......

But the person looking didn't like it for various reasons....and we understand....sort of.....we have a very unique is a custom home full of character that we built for our family. It is not perfect by all means, and definately isn't everyone's -cup of tea- but it is a beautifully constructed home built by a German Baptist builder and the craftsmanship and details are awesome.

Summer pic...
 We have stained wood trim throughout, a lot of old, some antique, pieces, and lean towards simple lines with a little farmhouse cottage thrown in... as I said, not everyone's choice, and in this housing market, it makes it an even harder sell. Thank goodness we are not financially burdened or stressed and can afford to live here until we get lucky...(soon, please??).
In the meantime, we will continue to neutralize spaces with paint,
and put some new carpeting in upstairs etc. 
  We have had very few showings, mainly due to the fact that there aren't too many folk looking to buy a house in our price bracket, so  it's hard to decide how much to remove and what to keep, I mean, we may still be living in the house a year from now or more.....yikes!!!! Okay enough rambling....and on the positive side, at least I'll have plenty of projects to show you soon!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by....oh and I think my pics are going to be better as I am learnin' my camera!!!!


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